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How do I get paid?

You are under protection of Deel for the payroll and compliances. So you get paid with the best payment method for you like credit card or debit card, bank transfer, Wise transfer. + We have a PayPal option as well.

How much do I get paid?

All our pricing for our subscription based services is listed on the related pages. When working with Frandity, you’ll be receiving opportunities only for clients that have already paid through us (meaning you won't get unqualified leads - only clients…

Do you work with freelancers or remote professionals?

We work with freelancers and remote professionals.

What is the minimum experience required to apply as a Cloud Marketer or Fractional CMO?

We seek a minimum of 4 yrs of experience in a related field for Cloud marketers. Whereas for Fractional CMOs, minimum 8 yrs of experience, award, and track records are required.

What’s involved in the hiring process?

5 min registration process and maximum 2 hrs 1:1 online meeting with the head team of Frandity. During the meeting you will be asked about your previous experience, strategy and tactic based marketing questions, to share live ad account metrics…

When will I get my first opportunity with Frandity?

Depending on the region (i.e US, EU & MENA) that we provide our services , closing the deal with potential customers can take up to 1.5 - 3 months.