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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Getting Started
  • Account Management
  • Marketers & CMOs

Will I be charged for the setup?

We don’t bill clients for the setup separately – this is part of your first month’s service. If during the first 30 days there is no live activity (for example – no media cost) you’ll only be billed for half the minimum monthly retainer. If there are any delays from your end, please make sure to notify your Success Strategist so they can pause your project/s if needed.

Who is my main POC? How would we communicate?

Your main point of contact (POC) for each of our services is the founders of Frandity. that you’ve chosen for the project. In addition, once you are matched to your expert, you will be introduced to your Growth Strategist and they will be your trusted advisor who will support you for your entire journey with Frandity.

How many times can I revise the expert before I approve them?

You can revise your Expert and Strategy as many times as you wish before starting. No campaigns will begin until you have complete confidence and approve.

Why does the onboarding process take up to 3-5 days?

Because we take the matching process seriously! We want you to scale, and to do it with the best fit expert by your side. While you’re waiting to be matched, we make sure the project is properly aligned with the expert through verification carried out by our matching team.

Why can’t I choose the expert myself?

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Do I need to pay extra before I meet the expert? What happens if I don’t approve of the expert?

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How do you select/ hire your experts?

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In case of paid advertising does the package fee include the media cost?

No. The media cost is paid directly to the ad platform (Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc.).

Why do I need a minimum $5.000 monthly media budget to start with media advertising?

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Can I change my marketing experts during the marketing strategy has been applied?

Yes, of course. Just ask your CMO or Growth Strategist – they’ll be able to help you do this.

How much time do I need to see the results? And what kind of results should I expect?

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When will I see + ROI?

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Can you help me manage my social media channels while running ads?

Running social media ads (paid advertising) and running social media profiles (organic) are two different types of packages. So if you want Social Media Management, you will need to get a quote for this niche.

How do I know if my brand is ready for advertising?

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How do I know what type or how many creatives I need before starting to advertise?

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Have you helped businesses like mine before? And how did you help them?

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Do you have experienced CLOUD marketers or Fractional CMOs that are experienced in my niche?

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For how many hours does my matched markets or Fractional CMOs work on my projects / campaigns?

We measure by performance and output, not by the number of hours. And our rule of thumb is to match you with the best marketers and strategists that will deliver above benchmark results for your business.

How often will I be in touch with my marketer or strategist?

Communication is ongoing and transparent and you communicate directly through the task management platforms that we use. You will be updated on a weekly basis, and will communicate with you on an ongoing basis to ensure the success of your campaigns. Your Success Strategist will have a meeting with you once a month, every month, and is available for all other enquiries via email, or community channels.

How do I cancel my packages?

In case you are interested in canceling your packages, please notify your Growth Strategist.
Your Growth Strategist will make sure to take care of your request. Please consider that we highly recommend you dedicate a sufficient amount of budget and time (usually 3 months) to give your marketing efforts the best chances to succeed.

Can I pause and resume services at any time?

You can request to pause your marketing activities for a period of X days or more. Please notify your Growth strategist. If you will be continuing your marketing activity after X days, you will be billed for the full X days.

Is there any minimum time commitment?

Yes – there is a 3-month commitment to all of our recurring plans. We do that because it takes upfront time and resources to see your desired results. You can decide to cancel and stop work after the three months have passed at any time. In order to protect our experts we do require a 30-day cancellation notice.

How will I be billed?

You’ll be billed on a monthly basis on the 4th day of each calendar month.

How can I add, stop or remove marketing services?

Services can be added to subscription packages. However, the service is not removed. You can create packages for your needs with your strategist.

How do I get paid?

You are under protection of Deel for the payroll and compliances. So you get paid with the best payment method for you like credit card or debit card, bank transfer, Wise transfer. + We have a PayPal option as well.

How much do I get paid?

All our pricing for our subscription based services is listed on the related pages.

When working with Frandity, you’ll be receiving opportunities only for clients that have already paid through us (meaning you won’t get unqualified leads – only clients who are serious about starting now).

We always bill clients upfront, so you’ll be paid by the 15th of every month and upon your experience and the duration of the services that the client bought.

Do you work with freelancers or remote professionals?

We work with freelancers and remote professionals.

What is the minimum experience required to apply as a Cloud Marketer or Fractional CMO?

We seek a minimum of 4 yrs of experience in a related field for Cloud marketers. Whereas for Fractional CMOs, minimum 8 yrs of experience, award, and track records are required.

What’s involved in the hiring process?

5 min registration process and maximum 2 hrs 1:1 online meeting with the head team of Frandity.

During the meeting you will be asked about your previous experience, strategy and tactic based marketing questions, to share live ad account metrics you recorded. After your interview you will be notified about the result by the head team.

When will I get my first opportunity with Frandity?

Depending on the region (i.e US, EU & MENA) that we provide our services , closing the deal with potential customers can take up to 1.5 – 3 months.

Contact Us

Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Valge tn 13, 11415


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