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Remarketing & Tools To Catch Your Running Visitors

Remarketing is a term that is frequently used in marketing, but not many people understand it. In fact, there are two main types of remarketing: Remarketing on search engines: when users conduct a search on your website and leave without…

13 Mobile App Growth Hacks to Grow Your Audience

With so many brands vying for consumers’ attention, attracting the right audience is a massive challenge. So, how did brands like Facebook, Dropbox, and PayPal achieve such incredible growth with their apps in such a short period of time? The…

15 Up-to-Date Mobile App Trends

Mobile apps are the future of the internet and a lot of companies have realized that. Mobile app development is growing rapidly, and there’s still a lot of room to innovate with new ideas. In this article, we’ll go over…

7 Best B2B Lead Generation Tools and Their Functions

If your business is looking for more business, one of the best ways to do that is by generating leads. The problem is that most businesses have very limited time and resources to devote to this effort. Fortunately, there are…

Demand Gen Vs. Lead Gen

If you're like me, the terms "demand generation" and "lead generation" are a little bit like talking about sushi. Sure, they sound similar, but they're actually two completely different things. So what's the difference? Let's break it down: Demand generation…

8 Effective B2B Marketing Strategies

We have covered the basics on our previous blog about B2B marketing strategies, let’s dive into each in detail. 1. Account-Based Marketing One of the leading trends in B2B marketing for 2022 is Account-Based Marketing(ABM). This marketing strategy involves targeting…

10 Social Media Trends that will Change the way of Marketing in Digital Era in 2021

The year 2021, which many of us are eagerly and hopefully waiting for, is just around the corner. The new year is preparing to bring us many innovations with it. According to Talkwalker's report, which analyzes the communication efforts of…

Covid-19: Time to Implement Digital Transformation in Business

The COVID-19 outbreak is a tragedy that will have widespread and long-lasting implications for humanity and our global economy. As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, more and more enterprises will miss their financial targets because of supply…

5 Steps to Apply 5Ps Management Model to Your Business

Along with the severe health and humanitarian crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, executives around the world face enormous business challenges: the collapse of customer demand, significant regulatory modifications, supply chain interruptions, unemployment, economic recession, and increased uncertainty. And like…

9 Marketing Automation Trends That Will Grow Your Business

2020 will be all about creating unique, engaging experiences that add value to the evolved, super-connected, always-online consumer, and Marketing Automation will act as a catalyst in making it all happen. So, without further ado, here are the top trends…