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History of A/B Testing

“Experimentation is the least arrogant method of gaining knowledge.” — Isaac Asimov Let’s lay the foundations of A/B testing with its definition and brief history. A/B testing, at its simplest, is a way to compare two versions of something, in…

Why Businesses Collaborate with a MaaS Partner in the ‘New Normal’?

Why Is Marketing-as-a-Service Partner a Better Option in the ‘New Normal’? The undergoing transformation of marketing is largely due to technological development. The current practice of marketing involves the use of not only digital media but also automation and several…

MaaS Vs. Traditional Marketing Agency

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MaaS: A Different Approach to Marketing

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Global Marketing Trends 2021: Find Your Focus

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7 SEO Trends for 2021

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10 Social Media Trends that will Change the way of Marketing in Digital Era in 2021

The year 2021, which many of us are eagerly and hopefully waiting for, is just around the corner. The new year is preparing to bring us many innovations with it. According to Talkwalker's report, which analyzes the communication efforts of…

10 Need-to-Know Video Stats in 2020

If video marketing is the future, then the future is here. You’re at the right place if you’ve been wondering whether it’s worth putting the resources into video marketing for your business. Do you have enough resources to create videos?…

Covid-19: Time to Implement Digital Transformation in Business

The COVID-19 outbreak is a tragedy that will have widespread and long-lasting implications for humanity and our global economy. As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, more and more enterprises will miss their financial targets because of supply…