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The website 18tube is a collection of porn videos that are constantly being updated hour by hour. These videos come from every corner of the planet so that you are sure to find a video to match every taste. If you are looking for young and cute girls, you will find them all here. You won't find a lot of big cocks, but there is a lot of big dicks in this collection.

Will I be charged for the setup?

We don't bill clients for the setup separately - this is part of your first month's service. If during the first 30 days there is no live activity (for example - no media cost) you'll only be billed for half…

Who is my main POC? How would we communicate?

Your main point of contact (POC) for each of our services is the founders of Frandity. that you've chosen for the project. In addition, once you are matched to your expert, you will be introduced to your Growth Strategist and…

How many times can I revise the expert before I approve them?

You can revise your Expert and Strategy as many times as you wish before starting. No campaigns will begin until you have complete confidence and approve.

Why does the onboarding process take up to 3-5 days?

Because we take the matching process seriously! We want you to scale, and to do it with the best fit expert by your side. While you're waiting to be matched, we make sure the project is properly aligned with the…

In case of paid advertising does the package fee include the media cost?

No. The media cost is paid directly to the ad platform (Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc.).

Can I change my marketing experts during the marketing strategy has been applied?

Yes, of course. Just ask your CMO or Growth Strategist - they'll be able to help you do this.