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The year 2021, which many of us are eagerly and hopefully waiting for, is just around the corner. The new year is preparing to bring us many innovations with it. According to Talkwalker’s report, which analyzes the communication efforts of more than 2 thousand brands and agencies, we will encounter many new trends in social media in 2021. Let’s take a look at the top 10 social media trends of this year…

1- Brands will focus on 4T of Covid-19 content

With the world health organization declaring a pandemic, people have to shut down to their homes to fight Covid-19. In this period we spent at home, social media has become the window of users, brands and institutions to the outside world. Brands will focus on 4T in their content in this process: Community Guidelines, Cleanliness, Contactless Choices and Consumer Friendly Treatment. With Covid-19, brands will continue to inform their audiences by paying more attention to community rules and conveying information about coronavirus. Progress will continue in contactless payment options. In addition, brands will strive to make their customers’ loyalty to them permanent with a loving communication on social media.

2- Interest in humor content visual sharing will increase

Interest in post sharing with humor content on the Internet has increased considerably this year. Especially due to the pandemic, consumers started to show more interest in humor campaigns. According to Talkwalker’s report, 55 % of consumers between the ages of 13-35 posted humorous posts to each other at least once a week. The posts shared here mainly consisted of the Covid-19 period, economy and political content. These contents are expected to increase in 2021.

3- Nostalgia-based marketing will rise

Old video games, pop culture references and trends will remind your viewers of the good old days. In this way, you can reach your customers who spend time at home in a short way. Don’t forget to include nostalgic days and #tbt in your social media campaigns. Review your products and services, see what can now be posted on social media again, and plan accordingly.

4- Conversational marketing will increase sales

Connect with your audience by having real conversations before selling on social media. For example, Instagram / YouTube live streams can contribute to this. This way, you can strengthen your social network and it will be easier to gain new followers. You should also include innovative conversational products for your brand in your social media plan. You can increase your sales by using channels such as chatbots, Messenger, WhatsApp order line.

5- Gamification and social media will be more important than ever

Gaming and social media have merged more than ever. Advertising through video game streaming and video games will become great opportunities. In 2021, be sure to allocate a budget for video game streaming in your social media campaigns.

6- Combining old-fashioned marketing with a new one will win

Blend old-fashioned marketing such as podcast (radio) and Newsletter with new-style tactics and combine them with your modern social media trends. We don’t always have time to make great video productions. Podcasts and Newsletters will be of great benefit to you when used quickly and effectively.

7- “Big 3” will continue strongly

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. These platforms are expected to adapt to all changes in society in 2021. Social shopping will increase even more on Facebook and Instagram. Features such as “Store Collections” and “Discover the Guide” that came to Instagram with the latest update show us that this change has started.

8- The fight against fake news will continue this year

In his new guide published by Instagram, he showed us that he attaches great importance to the fight against fake news. On social media, you always need to tell the truth about your brand and protect your reputation. Otherwise, you will not be able to survive on the social media of 2021 with lies or false content.

9- Communities with social responsibility awareness will increase

Recently, people have become more interested in issues such as social responsibility, mental and physical health. Customers will call the brand that deals with human issues such as social justice and mental health. For this reason, you should frequently share your projects on these issues on your brand’s social media accounts.

10- Content created by users and influencers will rise

Content created by users and especially influencers will be worth gold for big brands in 2021. Consumers’ lives have changed dramatically after Covid-19. Consumers are no longer looking for brands but people. That’s why it will be very important for social media marketers to find the best content and present it to the target audience correctly.

Contact us to implement new trends in your 2021 social media plan successfully
+90 545 535 35 89

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