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Why Is Marketing-as-a-Service Partner a Better Option in the ‘New Normal’?

The undergoing transformation of marketing is largely due to technological development. The current practice of marketing involves the use of not only digital media but also automation and several other platforms. Consequently, the role of the marketing teams expands to cover multiple skill sets along with the amount of IT investments required for the execution of thriving marketing plans in today’s business world. However, most businesses struggle with the issues of limited number of employees and the excess of work in marketing. Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS) has been developed as a solution to these issues.

The outbreak of pandemic of Covid-19 has caused a rise in the use of technology and technological tools of companies and individuals alike, thus an almost sudden shift in the way we do business. Some companies had already adopted relevant technology to run the marketing aspect of their business even before the outbreak of the pandemic, and this farsightedness allowed them to act swiftly in reshaping their marketing plans and operational processes.

Nonetheless, even if your company is not one of them, it is never too late to jump on the digital train. Decreasing revenues and reduced marketing budgets might negatively affect the marketing processes of your company. Also, the shift in user experience towards the digital might be forcing you to transfer your marketing investments to the digital world to a large extent. These factors bring about an increased need for digital expertise.

Another issue that emerged as a result of the change in business models is the recruitment of new staff. Most companies are already cutting back on their personnel training budgets and finances reserved for the current personnel are being suspended. In the coming days, it is predicted that fewer positions for the highly qualified will open for the marketing departments as well as many other departments of the companies.

A Marketing-as-a-Service provider emerges as a significant and outstanding alternative for such companies (especially, for SMBs and startups or even corporate enterprises) to overcome their difficulties in this process.

MaaS also comes to the rescue of the companies that do not have a marketing team or have limited resources and competencies in terms of technology and personnel. After all, MaaS provides solutions for businesses’ specific needs as a low cost, fast and transparent alternative to a rather costly in-house marketing team and traditional marketing approach.

As a MaaS company, Frandity offers its expertise to businesses in their effort to continue their marketing processes uninterruptedly in the ‘New Normal’ through on-demand solutions in line with their specific marketing needs and an expert ‘Cloud’ Marketing Team suitable for these needs.

Other benefits of working with a MaaS partner for your business can be found here.

CMOs Will Outsource Most of Their Marketing Bizz. in the ‘New Normal’

Cognitive computing is currently being used by almost half of the businesses in order to automate marketing as well as sales interactions with customers.

Also, around one third of CMOs are outsource some marketing activities via Marketing-as-a-Service, which is a bundle of technology and marketing services providing the outsourcing of world-class marketing capabilities. Through MaaS, CMOs are given the chance to have a riveting and feasible alternative to in-house teams to operate everything.

International Data Corporation notes that the opportunities encompass a large variety of services, ranging from IT and data management to creative and execution services that are delivered by MaaS.
IDC states: “MaaS enables CMOs to outsource much of the technological complexity and pay for it out of their advertising budgets and get better integrated marketing services on top of it. It also enables marketing service providers to run omni-channel campaigns with high levels of transparency.”

As Frandity, our foresight is that outsourcing of the marketing needs by businesses will keep on increasing as of the second half of 2020 in the ‘New Normal’ period.
Based on this prediction, we invite CMOs to meet and discuss their marketing needs in order to find swift and cost-effective solutions for them through our on-demand marketing services and expert ‘Cloud’ Marketing Team without further ado.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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