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10 Need-to-Know Video Stats in 2020

If video marketing is the future, then the future is here. You’re at the right place if you’ve been wondering whether it’s worth putting the resources into video marketing for your business. Do you have enough resources to create videos?…

Covid-19: Time to Implement Digital Transformation in Business

The COVID-19 outbreak is a tragedy that will have widespread and long-lasting implications for humanity and our global economy. As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, more and more enterprises will miss their financial targets because of supply…

5 Steps to Apply 5Ps Management Model to Your Business

Along with the severe health and humanitarian crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, executives around the world face enormous business challenges: the collapse of customer demand, significant regulatory modifications, supply chain interruptions, unemployment, economic recession, and increased uncertainty. And like…

How to Conduct A Marketing Analysis for Your Business

When was the last time you conducted market research and analysis? If you’re like most business owners, executives, and professionals, you probably haven’t revised or updated your market analysis since creating your business plan. That’s not surprising considering the stigma…

9 Marketing Automation Trends That Will Grow Your Business

2020 will be all about creating unique, engaging experiences that add value to the evolved, super-connected, always-online consumer, and Marketing Automation will act as a catalyst in making it all happen. So, without further ado, here are the top trends…

How to Conduct A Marketing Analysis for Your Business

When was the last time you conducted market research and analysis? If you’re like most business owners, executives, and professionals, you probably haven’t revised or updated your market analysis since creating your business plan. That’s not surprising considering the stigma…

Top 5 Content Marketing Trends For 2020

It's a new decade and with it comes content marketing trends that will change content creation for businesses. Plus, content marketing isn’t the only thing that’s changing -- people are always changing. The needs of your audience are constantly evolving and you…

6 Landing Page Design Tips That Will Rock Your Conversion Rates

The fun of creating landing pages is that it gives us the ability to experiment with design, copy, offers, etc. in order to capture the attention of our target customers. Ultimately, converting them into leads. There is a tendency by…

7 Tips on Brand Building in 2020

Previously, you only had the option of either print media or television if you wanted to advertise your brand to the public. But the digital advancement of recent years has rendered you with a lot more options than you had…

15 Inbound Marketing Trends for 2020

Year after year, inbound marketing proves itself to be a valuable digital marketing method. And, year after year new trends and practices develop, pushing its evolution further along. When inbound marketing first emerged in 2005 the way we used the…