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Frandity is a Marketing As A Service platform for hiring talents and providing marketing services ALL-IN-ONE

Meet Your Cloud Marketers
& Fractional CMOs

Get a winning strategy and results!

Find Your Expert

Our partners

We’ve Worked With Them,
We Trust Each Other

We help our clients grow their business through our global partners

Frandity is a Leading Gold Partner.

How It Works

Define Your Business
Tell us exactly what you need in our easy-to-fill form in 3 sec,
then leave the hard work to us.
Get Reviewed & Matched
After your quick brief reviewed by our experts, you will have meet up invitation.
Get Plan & Team
Your CMO creates a marketing plan, curates a team of specialists.
Grow Business
Just sit back, follow the weekly progress and review with the strategist.

What We Do Best

Subscription Based Solutions

Based on the pain points in the growth journey of the brands, the services they need the most were combined in different packages.

Starter Package

Perfect for companies want fast growth with smaller budgets


Billed Monthly


  • Google Ads Audit & Setup

  • Google Ads Strategy & Account Management

  • GA4 Events & Goals Setup

  • Monthly Reporting

Best choice

Growth Package

Recommended for most companies


Billed Monthly


  • All features in “Starter Pack” +

  • Creative Banners

  • Web Analytics

  • SEO Audit & Strategy

  • Social Media Management

Crush Package

May the force be with you


Billed Monthly


  • All features in “Growth Pack” +

  • SEO Content & Link Building Strategies

  • Programmatic & Native Ads

  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
What We Do Best

On-demand Marketing​​

You can create a package by choosing exactly what you need from the on-demand services, or you can start with the service you need most for your business.


How your logo looks… How your messages are perceived… How relevant you are to your customers… If they are combined in a perfect way, you do have something special, something significant. Let’s analyze where you stand and determine where you aim and need to be. Let’s plan the required strategy, creativity and content you require to achieve that comprehensive look and feel, as well as to draw in and satisfy your customers.

What We Do

  • Market Research
  • Concept Design
  • Naming
  • Corporate Identity Design
  • Rebranding
  • Co-branding
  • Online / Offline Marketing Collateral Design

Get A Quote


You think you have seen it all! Wait until you see what we will deliver in terms of creativity for a jaw-dropping effect on your customers by using a multitude of practices, including data collection, research and innovative thinking.

As Frandity, we take the current trends one step further by scrutinizing, challenging, and entertaining with ideas to forge the best strategy for the creative aspect of your business. We aim to use the skills sets of our “think tank” to deliver fun, creative, up-to-date business solutions.​

What We Do

  • Idea Generation
  • Contests
  • Video Creation
  • App Design
  • Webinars
  • Influencer Collabs
  • Content Creation

Get A Quote


With digital marketing, the analysis of behavioral data and machine learning go far beyond basic indicators such as “like and share”, “swipe” and “scroll.”

As Frandity, we do know how to translate data into marketing strategy in an optimal way. Although it might seem easy to digitalize your business with today’s technology, the same technology makes it also quite difficult to excel in exhaustingly versatile elements of digital marketing. As a result, you need more than ever the expertise of a team of professionals who can implement the right combination of digital components into your brand. Forging the right digital strategy, interwoven with an insightful approach for your business, Frandity will provide your brand with higher recognition and constantly improving results. ​

What We Do

Performance Marketing

  • SEO
  • SEM
  • Social Paid
  • Programmatic
  • Retargeting

Get A Quote

Data Analytics

  • Web Analytics
  • Mobile Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager Integrations
  • Custom Setups

Web Design & Development

  • Landing Pages
  • Corporate Websites
  • Ecommerce Websites

Inbound & Outbound Marketing

  • Demand & Lead Generation
  • CRM System Integration

Frandity VS Traditional Marketing Solutions

  Frandity Agencies In-house Freelance marketplace
Quality of Talents Selected Sales pitch Interviews Stars
Time to hire Ready talent pool 2-4 weeks 8+ weeks 3-4 days
Dedicated marketers / CMOs
Task management
Task delivery
Pricing & Performance 10X
Cost One monthly fee
(that’s all you pay)
$$$$ $$$ $$

Client Reviews

“We contacted Ms. Fulya via Linkedin. When we evaluated the solutions offered by Frandity and the needs of Multinet, we decided to try the “Leadinfo” tool for 2 weeks. In our post-trial evaluation, we achieved our ROAS goals and decided to use the Leadinfo tool regularly. Throughout the process, thanks to the solution-oriented approach, suggestions and close follow-up of Ms. Fulya and the Frandity team, we carried our performance to a high level in a short time. Thank you for your cooperation and support.”

Burak Acarla

Digital Marketing Director / MultinetUp TR

“We are pleased and honored to know Fulya and her team, who has been contributing to the digital marketing needs of Absolare LLC. USA, where the brand awareness has substantially been improving through her invaluable guidance, knowledge and efforts in almost a dozen countries today. Fulya is exceptionally persistent in challenging tasks with high learning curves, intellectually curious in fields she is not familiar with (high end Audio being one), very strict in deadlines and with an intuitive mindset. Since the beginning of our project, her steering power has enabled much more than expected.”

Kerem Küçükaslan

Founder & Managing Partner / ABSOLARE

Our Brands